How about a tribute to Benazir Bhutto? She was SOOOO pretty and fabulous…it’s sad when beautiful politicians die…she’s like Kennedy or Princess Di…
Plus I loaf the name Benazir.
whoa! i didn't know she died. (this was at like 9 a.m. -Edit) AHHHH that is so f'd up!!!
Yeah, she was ASSASINATED. That’s so gangsta, right?
She was so freaking beautiful. Looked like Etheline Tenenbaum.

that IS gangsta. kind of a neat way to go i suppose.
on a side note. i have mad g@s.
(on the telephone)
C: What are we going to blawg about?
M: Let's blawg about Daniel Day-Lewis and Benizar (sic) Bhutto.
C: I am too lazy to do that, I am going to put up this picture of a really fat cat
M: Are you even going to "paint" on it?
C: Yeah.