I've always loved Alexander Hamilton...he was a New Yorker who loved the city and did so much to help it grow (though I'm sure he had the typical Native-raping, Slave-owning, Founding-Father-Bullshit going on). He's totally dashing, especially on the new tens, right? So dreamy. I think he and Aaron Burr were totally boyfriends! It all ended so tragically...

I'm happy that M*A*S*H is on TV Land these days, because I just can't get enough of that Dr. BJ Honeycutt! I'd give him a BJ anytime! I mean, Alan Alda was hot and the ladies man and all, but damn, Beej! I want a mustache ride!
claire, i hate mustaches. ewwh, gross. i love 19 year olds. tee hee, such a perv.
well, I totally love them, and so we'll just have to not speak of it. shall I retitle the tag "Claire Loves the 'Stache" ?
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