Monday, June 18, 2007

west virginia weekendz: vol. 2

last weekend was crazy
my hetero-life-mate (HLM) was in town
i’ve got enough shake face pictures for 3 blogs
so many in fact
that i think i’m suffering from a mild concussion
which was exacerbated by doing cartwheels and interpretive dance
also, i fell out of a rocking chair
Charlie had to carry me and apparently i commented
“Charlie, you’re so strong”

alienated an already annoyed captain awesome
by texting such brilliant bits of comedic genius like
“we can’t find the mescaline”
while drunkenly exploring Cameron’s cacti
(non-hallucinogenic of course)

i feel guilty about bothering him
and am def-o giving myself a mental nine rounds as penance
if only things were as Ferris Bueller said,

“you can never take it too far”

there are plenty of “mer loves everyone” photos
i kissed some dude at the scourge of the earth, Tony’s, ugh
so class

i really do love everyone

unfortunately, i am suffering from post-weekend insanity depression
(that’s in the DSM-IV…totally legit)
and really just want to curl up in bed and have a good cry
so, if my blogs seem less inspired this week
blame it on PWID which probably has something to do with
this crazy Peruvian liquor i was doing shots of

p.s. Jim Sheridan’s “get rich or die tryin” is better than you think…50 cents story is reflective of the archetypal Irish immigrants, totally

1 comment:

C said...

we had a clins mis weekend up here too. good partying at the etsy bday party...good times with lil' ladies with wv accents as thick as syrup on your flapjacks...sad news too...and playing at the beach with sharp rocks tearing tender feets...clins clins clins