How about a tribute to Benazir Bhutto? She was SOOOO pretty and fabulous…it’s sad when beautiful politicians die…she’s like Kennedy or Princess Di…
Plus I loaf the name Benazir.
whoa! i didn't know she died. (this was at like 9 a.m. -Edit) AHHHH that is so f'd up!!!
It makes my heart break a little more with the death of glamour. JFK jr, Caroline Bessette, Princess Di.
Beautiful people aren't supposed to die...
Yeah, she was ASSASINATED. That’s so gangsta, right?
She was so freaking beautiful. Looked like Etheline Tenenbaum.
Yeah, she was ASSASINATED. That’s so gangsta, right?
She was so freaking beautiful. Looked like Etheline Tenenbaum.

that IS gangsta. kind of a neat way to go i suppose.
on a side note. i have mad g@s.
(on the telephone)
C: What are we going to blawg about?
M: Let's blawg about Daniel Day-Lewis and Benizar (sic) Bhutto.
C: I am too lazy to do that, I am going to put up this picture of a really fat cat
M: Are you even going to "paint" on it?
C: Yeah.